Table of Contents (Levels 3-4)

Despite appearances this is the most important section of the book. If you read nothing else but this Table of Contents (and most readers of most books unfortunately skip this part entirely and so it is quite likely that they – unlike you, Dear Reader – are not reading these words at this very moment), please do not rush through them. A very basic level of awareness of what life is about, by way of simply reading the below, will change your life. I shit you not.

    1. Faith
      • Default Settings
      • For-You
      • Not-For-You
      • Bigger-Than-You
    2. Family
      • Kids
      • Significant Other
      • Parents & Siblings
      • Other
    3. Friends
      • By Point in Life Origin
      • By Activity/Location
      • By Type/Depth
    4. Field
      • By Role
        • Worker (Technician)
        • Manager (Leader)
        • Owner (Entrepreneur)
      • By Function
        • Sales (Client/Markets – Demand)
        • Resources (Talent/Team – Supply)
        • Operations (Leverage – Profitability)
      • By Skillset
        • Technical Content (Expert)
        • People (Managing)
        • Conceptual (Strategy)
    5. Fun-Fulfillment
      • Fun
        • By Attitude
          • Simple vs. Elaborate
          • Discretionary vs. Constrained
          • Guilty vs. Virtuous
        • By Activity
          • Observe vs. Do
          • Consume vs. Create
          • With Others vs. Alone
      • Fulfillment
        • Having (Ownership)
          • Assets (Real Estate, Vehicles, Other Artefacts)
          • Relationships
          • Experiences (Memories)
        • Doing (Ability)
        • Being (Identity)
    6. Fitness
      • Exercise
        • Endurance (Zone 2)
        • Intensity (VO2 max)
        • Strength
        • Flexibility
      • Diet
        • Lots of Water
        • Limited Caloric Intake
        • No Sugar, Fat, Alcohol
        • Limited Starch
        • Lots of Fiber & Protein
      • Sleep
        • Duration: 7-8 Hours
        • Timing: Same Time
        • Condition: No Coffee, Alcohol 6 Hours Prior
        • Environment: Light & Temperature
      • Psychological Well-Being
        • Anxiety vs. Peace
        • Depression vs. Feeling Good
        • Emotions
      • Health Monitoring & Intervention
        • Analyzing (Bloodwork)
        • Scanning (USG, X-Rays)
        • Looking Inside & Outside
      • Finance
        • Active Income
          • Day Job
          • Side Hustle
        • Budgeting, Saving & Borrowing
        • Investing & Passive Income
          • Financial vs. Non-Financial Assets
          • Cash Flow Generating vs. Non-Cash Flow Generating
        • Financial Indifference
        • Financial Independence
    1. Context
      • Inorganic
      • Organic
      • History
      • Your Story
    2. Change
      • Situational Awareness
      • Grand Transitions
      • Risk Management
      • Operational Depth
    3. Direction
      • Dreams
      • Goals
      • Steps
      • Habits
    4. Drive
      • Experimental, Win-or-Learn
      • Consistent, Compounding
      • Dealmaker, Portfolio Manager
      • Contrarian, Aggressive, Focused
    1. Living
    2. Maximizing
    3. Following
    4. Searching






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