Introduction (by chunks)

This publication delves into the intricate web of convictions and aspirations that constitute your very essence. Indeed, you are fundamentally a confluence of these beliefs and desires. It is important to acknowledge that these elements are subject to evolution over time, influenced by a myriad of experiences, including the act of engaging with literature such as this. This is the core subject matter of this book.

This tome transcends the conventional understanding of a book; it embodies you. Rather than discussing you, it serves as a manifestation of your essence. Therefore, this work should be perceived not merely as a collection of pages, but as an elaborate conceptual framework representing the intricate network of beliefs and desires that define your complete being.

To dispel any ambiguity, it must be understood that the entity known as ‘you’ is solely comprised of the distinct amalgamation of beliefs and desires accumulated by your cerebral matter over time through interactions with both the inorganic and organic elements of your environment. This encompasses not only physical entities such as rocks and trees but also the intricate networks of beliefs and desires manifested through the actions and communications of other individuals, as well as through the myriad artifacts they have produced, ranging from tools like axes to creations such as books.

The commitment of this volume extends beyond the mere aim of enhancing your success—whether in terms of happiness, intelligence, or wealth. Instead, its primary objective is to elevate your proficiency in what can be considered the most critical domain of existence: your own life. It is an acknowledged reality that individuals do not enter this world as autonomous entities, fully equipped with knowledge and skills, capable of making informed choices about the life they desire. This introduces a paradox: how is it possible not to choose what one desires in the context of one’s life? From the onset of conscious awareness, typically emerging between the ages of 20 and 30—though exceptions to this range exist—you find yourself irrevocably placed within the world, without your consent, shaped by countless events outside your influence, and significantly influenced by both innate predispositions and environmental conditioning.

Considerable attention has been directed towards the concept of the Metaverse and the introduction of a novel virtual reality into our daily existence, aiming to overlay our sensory perceptions (predominantly visual) with an additional layer of reality-like experiences. This enhancement is intended to bolster productivity in professional settings and, on a more personal level, to increase happiness. Contrary to the Metaverse’s approach, this book advocates for a diametrically opposed philosophy: throughout the ensuing pages, I will endeavor to project your personal constellation of beliefs and desires (which will be thoroughly examined) onto the familiar analogue world. This process is designed to enrich our lives, making us happier and more efficient, amplifying our experiences and achievements to a greater extent.

One might argue that this book represents merely a concept, a framework, or an outline, rather than substantive content. To clarify any confusion, it’s essential to understand that the specifics of an individual’s preferences, decisions, and activities hold significance only to the degree that they define one’s identity. However, they bear no relevance in the context of this book’s universal framework, which applies equally to everyone. And who does “everyone” encompass? It refers to us, the inhabitants of advanced economies in the current era of globalization and pervasive consumer culture, where we universally become patrons of major corporations like Apple, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Netflix, IKEA, and McDonald’s. Therefore, it’s imprudent to claim our distinctiveness.

This volume transcends the journey to embodying the essence of a Strong Poet, as conceptualized by Richard Rorty, which implies triumphing through immense adversity. Instead, it focuses on fundamental aspects of Security (interpreted in its widest scope), the reduction of Noise (a concept explored by Daniel Kahneman), and gently steering oneself towards one’s “authentic” goals. These goals are those reflected, disclosed, and expressed through the web of beliefs and desires that constitute your identity. The process involves refining and enhancing this network of beliefs and desires and tapping into the latent, often unexpected, influence of algorithms when applied to personal life.

While this book significantly focuses on Optimization, its scope extends far beyond that, delving deeply into Exploration. It invites readers to consider a myriad of viewpoints on what is Possible and Important. This exploration serves as a means to refine, adjust, and fine-tune the intricate web of beliefs and desires that define an individual—or, in some cases, to discard it entirely in favor of constructing a new one from scratch. The continuous process of crafting and recrafting this network of beliefs and desires is, in itself, the ultimate goal.

Similar to how this book transcends the particulars of specific content, it likewise does not delve into the minutiae of executing certain activities. For those seeking guidance on such practical implementations, the References section of this book provides a curated list of resources tailored to address these needs.

In today’s era, the act of searching on Google has transformed into a quest for the superlative in every conceivable domain, not just to uncover information, but to instantly access the finest the world has to offer. This democratization of intelligence and knowledge erases the traditional barriers that once reserved such privileges for the affluent minority. Despite this accessibility, the documentation of human life—your life and mine—remains incomplete, often lacking a comprehensive framework that integrates all aspects of existence, grounded in the realities and routines of daily life, and proven through practical application. This absence of a definitive guide or manual for navigating life’s complexities leads to significant challenges for us, our acquaintances, and indeed, society at large.

Moreover, the struggle to translate beliefs into actionable habits that yield desired outcomes further complicates matters. This challenge underscores the flourishing industry of self-improvement, which spans various aspects of life, from career and financial management to health, relationships, and personal development.

The foundational principles such as incremental progress and the power of compound interest hold immeasurable value beyond their immediate application to financial savings or physical fitness. These concepts are pivotal in shaping habits, influencing identity, and, ultimately, deciphering the meaning of life itself.

Reflecting on the past, one can’t help but wish for access to such insights and guidance earlier. The notion of having such a transformative resource a quarter-century ago—a span that marks both a significant portion of my lifetime and the entirety of my conscious experience—underscores the profound impact and timeless relevance of the wisdom contained within.

he release of this book is notably belated, having been conceptualized and almost finalized just prior to the unveiling of what is colloquially known as the Apple Glass (or Vision Pro). This device, envisioned as a practical tool for augmented reality (AR), aims to overlay a wealth of beneficial information—pertaining to one’s surroundings, personal status, and progress towards goals or the richness of experiences—onto the user’s field of view. This book’s essence revolves around a similar concept of layering valuable insights atop our everyday perceptions, with a significant focus on visual augmentation. However, the scope is not limited to sight alone; auditory cues, and potentially even tactile and olfactory inputs, are considered integral, though the application to taste remains uncertain. Apple’s technology could potentially serve as the physical platform for the conceptual software outlined in this book and, by extension, your understanding. This software promises to actualize our thoughts, beliefs, and discussions into tangible experiences for ourselves and those in our vicinity, marking a historic milestone in achieving such a feat.

Certainly, achieving absolute clarity about one’s identity and the purpose of life can lead to a sense of monotony. The question arises: where is the thrill in navigating life according to a precisely defined algorithm for decades until one’s demise? After all, humans are not devoid of spontaneity or mechanical in nature.

Such lucidity, while potentially diminishing the poetic aspects of existence—how does one explore, marvel, or feel deeply if all is transparent?—comes at a cost that few may be prepared to bear. Living in a state of perpetual confusion is a high price for maintaining a sense of wonder. Nevertheless, clarity serves a valuable purpose, offering context and the opportunity to step back and consider alternative paths or choices. It allows for the possibility of discarding the very framework that provided clarity, to embrace freedom and discard the metaphorical ladder once it has served its purpose, echoing Wittgenstein’s philosophy that everything has its origins, and while this book claims no novel ideas, it endeavors to synthesize existing concepts in a coherent, meaningful way across various dimensions.

The essence of constructing this system is not to rigidly adhere to it as an automaton would but to illuminate what is conceivable and significant, thereby enabling action that aligns with one’s intuition and clear understanding of what needs to be done and how.

Executing tasks based on an algorithm is within the capacity of even a robot. However, the ability to devise the algorithm, to choose whether or not to follow it in any given situation, distinguishes you as the architect of your existence, both in theory and in reality, as well as in fantasy and in practice.

It’s important to note, as this book will reveal, that there’s no reverting to a previous state of unawareness once enlightenment is attained. Understanding and awareness, once achieved, are difficult, if not impossible, to unlearn. Altering one’s perspective significantly requires overwhelmingly compelling evidence of superior quality. But even then, a return to a state of ignorance or random opinion is unattainable; your views will henceforth be informed by a deeper knowledge and understanding.

The manner in which you articulate your life’s narrative not only reflects but also influences your lived experience and its impact on yourself and others. Should there be aspects of your life mentioned here that seem unfamiliar, delving into these areas can yield substantial rewards. Conversely, if there are facets you recognize but hold in low regard—perhaps categorized as “Boring Duties” or “Obligations”—this book offers valuable insights that could significantly alter your perspective.

Essentially, merely directing your focus towards certain elements of your life, without any additional action, has the potential to bring about remarkable transformations. This assertion is made with utmost seriousness and conviction.

Over time, the goal is to synchronize your IDEAL self—the version of you that embodies your ultimate aspirations, including the seemingly lofty ambitions laid out in your 10-, 20-, and 50-year plans (and why not achieve these in 6 months? Who’s to say it’s impossible?)—with your current actions and growth, both organic and inorganic. This means embodying your future self in the present, a concept often met with accusations of being an imposter. However, this act of “pretending” is not deceit but a powerful method of self-evolution, a journey towards truly becoming who you are meant to be.

This principle applies directly to your everyday routines and habits. For instance, if your ambition is to be a best-selling author, writing becomes a lifelong commitment. If you aspire to complete an Iron Man challenge, regular cycling is non-negotiable. Adhering to a consistent schedule, like waking up at 6 a.m. and sleeping at 10 p.m., establishes the routine necessary for achieving such goals. Similarly, combining exercise with listening to audiobooks enables you to meet your goal of consuming a vast quantity of literature annually. This approach allows for the layering of habits upon each other (habit stacking) and aligns daily practices with the overarching goals of Your Life.

Ultimately, the activities you engage in today will not only persist but intensify over the next decades. This consistency is not merely about practicing deliberately but is a reflection of your identity. Achievements, in this context, are secondary to the intrinsic value of these activities, serving more as motivational milestones than essential markers of success.

I refrain from claiming that this book will “change lives due to the real-world efficacy of its teachings.” The journey of life, with its intricate nuances and profound experiences, cannot be distilled into mere training or instruction. One cannot simply be taught how to live; learning to navigate life’s complexities is a deeply personal endeavor that one must undertake independently.






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